Fruits! We all know that nutritionists and doctors recommend consuming fruits as a great source of vitamins. But just how do we actually measure and keep track of what’s what in each and every fruit?
The answer is that we wouldn’t be able to, but to only gauge the intake amount. In fact, if proper calculations were made, we would find that the amount of vitamins and nutrients are insufficient from regular fruits and food consumed per day.
But above most of the vitamins that we consume, Vitamin C (a.k.a Ascorbic Acid) stands as one of the more important vitamins that the human body requires on a daily basis.
(1) Humans, primates, and guinea pigs are the only mammals that are unable to produce their own Vitamin C, so they need to get it elsewhere
Knowing that we as humans cannot produce Vitamin C on our own, it is therefore vital for us to seek for it regularly.
(2) Vitamin C is important in wound healing. Without it, a person can get a sickness called scurvy. Lack of vitamin C was a serious health problem on long ocean trips where supplies of fresh fruit were quickly used up. Many people died from scurvy on such trips.
Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, it does help in wound healing for humans. A great factor that can help in:
- Forming an important protein used to make skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels
- Heal wounds and form scar tissue
- Repair and maintain cartilage, bones, and teeth
- Aid in the absorption of iron